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Friendly Voice, Inc. created a series of successful radio commercials for Donate Life Washington

2009 Radio Commercials


Audio MP3


I’m a Miracle Man

Steve Lawson:

Meet Alonzo Moore.  He’s been fighting for his life for a very long time.


Years ago, I was very sick in the hospital and the doctors gave up on me.  And they told my mom and dad that they were going to lose me.

Steve Lawson:

Alanzo proved them wrong and


20 some odd years later, I’m still here!

Steve Lawson:

Today, Alonzo’s fight continues, as he waits for a kidney transplant


I got on the list three months after I started dialyzing, and I dialyze a couple days a week.

Steve Lawson:

The waiting is tough


You have to prepare for it mentally, and physically.

Steve Lawson:

But for Alonzo


It’s just a part of life you adapt to if you want to live . . . . and that I do!

Steve Lawson:

The time he spends waiting for a kidney, he spends with those in need


I find joy in helping people, because I remember there was a time when I needed help.

Steve Lawson:

Please, register as an organ eye and tissue donor when you renew your drivers’ license.  But what are you waiting for?  You can register right now at donate